Mimosa Schmidt – a former labourer and cowgirl – came up with her modern version of a workwear brand in 2018 and named it Sük Workwear
Mimosa Schmidt – a former labourer and cowgirl – came up with her modern version of a workwear brand in 2018 and named it Sük Workwear
There are not only burly blokes on a job site these days, now there are lots of women and non-binary individuals needing workwear
Melbourne fashion brand Obus has been around for 20 years, and is beloved by customers who want to add colour and pattern to their wardrobes
Founded by Kylie Zerbst over 20 years ago, Melbourne fashion brand Obus is definitely one of the city’s most successful.
It is a common misconception amongst consumers that sustainability inevitably equates to a hefty price tag and a surrounding air of unattainability. The realisation in consumers about fast fashion and its negative impacts on the environment is a relatively recent consciousness that is jolting the retail landscape